b boys... b girls...

the beastie boys concert in milan was abso-freaking-lutely marvelously rockin!!! i have absolutely no voice left, because i was screaming my friggin' head off the for the whole blessed two hours... this was my first concert to attend completely 'sola'... kind of intimidating, considering that it was in milan [i'm still in milan... but i'll explain that in a tick], i was alone, i had no idea how the hell i was supposed to find the concert or how i would get back to the train station from the concert... aaanyway... everything worked out just beautifully... they played my favoritest tune 'body movin' and i rocked my socks off... mix master mike totally burned vinyl on the turn tables and the boys were just amazing. the eight years i've been waiting to see the beastie boys in concert was totally worth it... i will be smiling for days and days and days... oh, and talib kweli was brilliant. he played my favoritest of his tunes 'just to get by' and was bloody fantastic... sigh... wonderful stuff...

oh, and i met some really cool people... davide and marco from modena kept me company during the concert [no speaky english... but it was great anyway. i could understand them and they tried to understand my retarded italian... tutto sta bene, i guess] and then maryanne and tura from norway helped guide me back to the train station. people are so nice here... they should all come to rome.. rome needs more nice people... 'nuff said on that account.

so, currently, i'm sitting in an internet cafe [gr@zia cafe] outside the train station in milan, trying to 'blow some time' until my train leaves for rome at 5:30 this morning. it is positively frigid outside and i wanted to be warm and i wanted to blog, so i figured that this would be the best way to spend my time until 2am... yeah. so after this, i get to go sit in front of the station and freeze my white pasty bulbous ass off for a few hours and finish reading 'raise high the roofbeam carpenters and seymour: an introduction' while i watch the bums sleep of their drunken stupor for the evening... hopefully i'll see something entertaining while i'm turning myself into a human ice cube and if i do, i will be sure to notify you, my loyal reader[s].


Style Me Organized said...

your life, if you don't know, is divine. i long for even the smell of it. the things you see that i have yet to see. you are lucky to be where you are, dear one, freezing your (not likely) blubuos ass off. think of it! you went to a concert in Milan Alone.

You. Are. A. Rock. Star.

never ever forget it.

natalie blair said...

i do know that i am an extremely lucky person... i have more stories to tell at 21 than most people get to have by the time they are 90; for this i am most grateful... truly. i froze last night, but unfortunately i didn't get rid of the 'ass' - c'est la vie.

milan was amazing[what i saw of it, at least] and i will post some of the crazy-ass shit that i saw last night on the morrow...