the sleepy ramblings of a frustrated student...

good morning... today will be filled with drawing and analysis, so i thought that i'd get an early start and post... before i get sidetracked and all that good junk... speaking of analysis: after spending almost a week analyzing the form of urban rome, in particular, the evolution of the forum, i've come to a decision about the current practice of academic analysis - it's a bunch of b.s. ... i don't mean that the act of analysis is b.s., just the current manner in which it is executed. i've noticed recently that most people do nothing but set out a piece of trash paper [trace... whatever you want to call it] and draw lines and dots and such without so much as putting a second thought into what it is that they are doing... add to that that they average joe doesn't understand what the hell one is trying to communicate through an analysis diagram, and one has to wonder: is there a better way to do this? one that would make it possible to clarify issues for the designer and make those issues understandable for people outside the profession on architectural design or the field of architectural education to understand the message being conveyed/explored? i am making it my personal mission to find a better way to analyze in my own projects... there absolutely has to be a better way to do it... some way that will actually aide rather than add to frustrations... yeah so there's my early-morning-two-cents.

i probably should have prefaced this post with the fact that i'm still slightly asleep, have only had one cup of coffee so far, and that my studio frustrations kept me awake pretty much all night last night... but now, i guess you’ve been informed...

anyway - on to less boring stuff... maybe... i've been reading a LOT since i've been in rome... i might have mentioned already that if you have the ability to read, you should definitely buy/borrow/check out 'the cheese monkeys' by chip kidd... i've now read it twice [it's a really quick read] and i am absolutely enamored with the book... oh - i also picked up a copy of 'big sur' by jack kerouac - yeah... he writes in an extremely stream of consciousness-type style that's incredibly addictive... it kind of sucks you in - not with drama or anything [well, so far, that is... i'm only about 1/3 of the way through the book], but because you really kind of just want to find out what he'll put down on the page next - like weird sounds, strange, pseudo tangential stories... you should just read it and then you'll understand... not to mention that the story is pretty interesting so far...

ok, i've been on the computer for too long... i have to go finish drawing now... random nugget: the international telephone dialing code for antarctica is 672.
... go call someone... or something...


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