come on now... everyone do the creepy guy shuffle!

hey there girls and boys! so, we got to go to pompeii yesterday... it was really a lot more beautiful than i had expected it to be... i think that it was made even more amazing because the sky was black - it seems that whenever we take a trip, rediculously violent storms decide to come along too - so all of the colors were incredibly vibrant... almost surreal. i forgot to drop off my film, otherwise i would insert a picure so i guess you'll just have to wait until i get my brain back into the practice of remembering to do stuff...

so, we got back from pompeii and all of us were craving american food... i know, i know... we're in the land of first-class cuisine and we want nachos and hamburgers... how stupid... but we decided to go to the hard rock cafe... this is when a wonderful day turns sour for natalie... on the way there, one of the bracellets that i had bought here - a really cool italian snake-chain with bedouin clasps - decided that my wrist was not a really good place for it to be and it fell off somewhere on the long-ass trek from my flat to the hard rock. oh, it doesn't stop there... so we eat our amazingly delicious junk food and decide that it's time for a drink. as we step outside, we realize that it's raining... i, of course, had to be wearing my brand new green suede shoes [that i had just bought on thursday night] and of course, it decides to pour. now my shoes have a lovely dark spot on both of the toes... anyway - so with the rain comes EXTREME cold... and rediculous wind... niether of which any of us was prepared for. so we finally catch our bus [it seems that whenever we need a particular bus, they decide to stop running that line...] and get to the apartment where we immediately throw on jackets and warmer garb and decide that we still want to go have a drink.

so we head to sloppy sam's because they have the cheapest drinks in campo dei fiori and i have a white russian [i was feeling in a sort of 'dude'-type mood last night]. it was lovely except for the bitingly cold gusts of wind and the occasional splatter of rain. a couple of people that brad, david and i had met at the police station last week showed up at the bar and invited us out to a club... i was the only one that went, because everyone else decided to call it an early night... the first club that we went to was closed and the second was absurdly packed... i think that i need to give you guys a little background here: it never fails that when i go to a club, the ONE creepy-ass guy there zeroes in on me in the sea of people and begins to follow me around for the rest of the night... why i thought that this night would be different, i don't know... anyway - i'm dancing with my new-found buddies and enjoying another white russian - yeah, that drink cost way too much, by the way - and of course... creepy guy shuffles his way over to me and begins to try to dance with me... ugh... i slip past him somehow and geet back over to my buddies [yeah, i feel like calling them my 'buddies', so you'll just have to bear with me...] and the guy shuffles over again... this goes on for about half an hour and when i finally decide that i've had my fill of 'weird-smelling-creepy-acting-bad-dancing-no-personal-space' guy, i bid adieu to my buddies and trek home...

so, i guess it's cheers to another strange night in rome... at least they're entertaining in hindsight... bottoms up...

i'm going to go draw now... oh, you people should check out 'the international herald tribune' if you're in the mood for a really good newspaper... or if you just need a break from the b.s. on fox news... and now, for your daily nugget: cat's urine glows under a blacklight.

don't you just love random facts?
ciao kiddies...

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