the rain in rome drops maily on the dome...

so, funny thing happened on my way back from the copy shop today... so, basically it goes like this: it's been cloudy and humid as hell all week... but today it has been slightly less humid, absolutely beautiful and not a cloud to speak of in the sky... so, on my way back from the copy shop with 18 large-format copies and one original map of rome's archaeological sites, it decides to pour... i'm not talking like small little drops... it was like being pelted with water balloons from some sort of semi-automatic shooter... strange, but i love the rain and i had a plastic bag [thank god i asked for one before we left the copy shop] over the drawings, so all is well.

we spent the early morning walking around in the forum [our studio project in rome involves the redesign of the human-interaction with the forum and the readjustment of traffic through the area without erasing the history that is currently evident in alot of the area]. i did two fairly lovely sketches [for me... for someone else, they probably would have been considered trash, but c'est la vie] and a lot of really terrrible ones. i really didn't realize how rusty my hand/eye coordination has become concerning my ability to sketch on the go. it's all good though, because it just gives me more incentive to practice and sketch more so that i can become adept again...

anyway, not much of interest today, but tomorrow, i'm thinking about going to the beach... depending on the weather, whether or not i can find a bathing suit [i apparently forgot to bring one] and on how i feel after i go to the police station tomorrow morning to schedule my apointment to get my permit of stay... it's a terribly long, drawn out process in which americans and anyone else who isn't from europe gets dragged through the proverbial mud until the people who fill out the paperwork decide that you've had enough and then they decide to hand over the necessary documents... i'm really not looking forward to it, as tomorrow would have been my only day to sleep in but instead, i get to haul my tired ass [pardon, but it's a vulgar situation and deserves to be described using vulgarities...] accross town to the police station, get there by 8:15am and wait for anywhere from twenty minutes to an hour and a half for them to open and then wait another 2 hours in line and then see if they'll be nice to me and my roomies and let us either, a] get our permit of stay right then, or b] make our apointment to get the permit sometime when we can actually be there... i guess we'll see...

i'll check you folks later.. i'm going to take a nap... giggidy giggidy. oh yeah.
tah tah

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