'...the slow hairs of the heart...'

i'm writing. more like, i'm trying to write and have, instead, spent the afternoon staring blankly at a screen full of words i've written but don't recognize. i've been jumping back and forth between reading and writing this past week... mostly reading about dead people and what the living do with them (i.e. how we bury them... get your head out of the gutter) - given that that's what i'm still writing about.

i've been most taken aback by the eloquence of thomas lynch. he is a poet/writer/undertaker and his prose are lovely (i actually haven't read any of his poetry as of yet). if you don't believe me, or if you actually care to read something really good, you should pick up one of his books [i'm reading the undertaking at the moment].

onto things not dealing with those lacking a pulse -there is a new baby in the family! my cousin, amanda, had a beautiful baby girl named isabella rose on the 17th. i got to go see miss 'beth' last night and i almost cried because she is so beautiful.

amanda and her husband kelly have wanted a baby so badly, and now they have a beautiful little girl who is going to be so, so very loved. to see them smile so genuinely when looking at her is truly a wonderful, heart-warming sight. amanda said, upon leaving the hospital, 'i can't believe that they're going to let me keep something so beautiful.'

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