i heart you.

blurry love
Originally uploaded by idontliketowearshoes
normally, i am one to completely avoid all things to do with valentine's day. then again, normally, i am single and therefore, bitter about being alone on the day o' love. this year, however, i have been bitten by the love bug. i am completely enamored of my axel... and find myself totally excited about doing 'something special' on the 14th. i have all sorts of kitchy ideas and i am thrilled about all of them.

i love getting to see axel smile and the thought of getting to bring a smile to my love's face makes me feel like the luckiest kid on earth.

i heart you, axel... i am thankful for you every single day.

1 comment:

Joanna Goddard said...

what a sweet photo, you two are adorable.

what did you end up doing? xo