who needs a knight in shining armor when you have a dude with a rolling couch?

i finally did it. i finally fell down the stairs in vol walker hall on friday. i suppose that i was probably aided in my feat by the fact that i am one of the least graceful people i know... then again, it might have also been helped along by the rather large puddle on the landing of said [marble] stairs. i am most thankful for the fact that no one was around to see my marvelous fall, my crumpled body at the bottom of the stairs, or my limp back into the studio... as i embarrass easily and i don't enjoy being pointed and laughed at for my idiocy... at least not to my face...

mind you, my body still hates me quite profoundly for letting it fall down a flight of stairs but it probably hates me even more for going to david's house on saturday night. too much beer. too much fun [well, not really... there's no such thing as too much fun, but go with me on this one... willing suspension of disbelief and all that jazz]. so midway through the evening i finally find a chair to sit in that doesn't hurt me [i think i gave my tail bone quite the thrashing on the stairs] and low and behold, my friend david decides that it would be a great idea to make my chair flip over... with him squarely on top of me... yeah, body not so happy about that one...

so i spent most of yesterday being as lazy as possible... we'll deem it recuperating for the time being. i watched the third harry potter movie twice, took a bath, read a book... did as little moving as possible... and it would seem that my body hates me just a little less today than it did yesterday. all in all, i'd call that progress.


Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

Alright! Here, have a drink. Gin & tonic with two lime wedges, squeezed, no straw, It'll give you a gin mustache and a sparkly throat. Perfect for June.

brooklynwife said...

i've done that same thing before! except i think i managed to fall UP the stairs while carrying an armload of stuff. fortunately no one saw me either. those stairs are brutal.

trinity said...

awh nat! watch yourself!

what were you doing in vol walker? are you teaching this summer?


natalie blair said...

yes, i am teaching this summer... poor kids have to put up with my 'wit' all summer...

Anonymous said...

ugh. are you okay now? it's been a while but have there been any lasting ill effects?